I. Excel
① Excel document structure
② Insert ComboBox reference to list use name alias
⑤ Delete Shapes (Form Controls / ActiveX Controls / Picture)
⑥ Reference
- https://vbabeginner.net/
- https://www.automateexcel.com/vba-code-examples/
- https://www.excel-easy.com/vba.html
・Disable dialog alerts when close, save, ... workbook
・Basic data type: int, long, double, string, boolean, object
・User define struct: type
・How to use Debug.Print
・If else
・Select case
・Get value of environment variable
・Get link folder
・Check folder / file exists
・Scan files in folder
・Select file dialog
・Save file dialog
・Select folder dialog
・Read file
・Write file
・For / For Each
・Do While, Do Until
・Exit Do, Exit For
・Sub and Function
・Input parameter with ByVal and ByRef
・Using With tag for workbook, worksheet, ....
・Structure of excel document: Workbook, Worksheet, Cell/Range
・Add new / open / save workbook
・Active, list all workbook
・ThisWorkbook / ActiveWorkbook
・Select / copy / list all worksheet
・Select Rows / Columns
・Cells / Range
・Determine last row / column ussing Cell(i,j).End
・Find text
・Change Columns address by number ⇔ text
・Run shell command and get return code
・Run shell command and get output string
※Command run in background without window
⑰ UserForm
⑳ On Error